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A Tuskegee Airman, Dempsey Morgan

Dr. Dempsey Wesley Morgan Jr.

I had the honor of meeting Dempsey Wesley Morgan, Jr. in 2012 before he passed away at the age of 93. Mr. Morgan was a fighter pilot from Tuskegee in World War II. He was one of the five airmen who made their way to a German base in Greece and destroyed nine planes while they were still on the ground. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for this. He also received the Air Medal with 4 oak leaf clusters, Bronze Star, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, and the World War II Victory Medal.

After flying for our country in the war he had plans to become a commercial pilot but was not allowed because of his race. I don't even have words for that. He then became a missionary for the Baha'i Faith and lived all over southeast Asia and in Africa before returning to America. He settled in Bristol, Virginia. Before the war Mr. Morgan went to West Point and afterwards he received a degree in law. The Tuskegee University awarded Mr. Morgan an honorary doctorate in public service in 2006. In 2007 he was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal in 2007 by President Bush. What a remarkable man.

I wish I could have known him and spent time with him, I am sure he was full of the most interesting stories. I was a volunteer for the Association of the US Army and was able to meet he and his wife at an Army birthday celebration when he lived in the Veteran's Care Center.

Tuskegee airmen
332nd FG Pilots Left to Right: Dempsey W. Morgan, Carroll S. Woods, Robert H. Nelson, Andrew D. Turner, Clarence P. Lester


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